We believe that horses are happiest mentally, emotionally and physically when they live outside with the opportunity to move and graze all day in their natural herd environment. In order to keep them the healthiest and happiest, we offer them the most natural environment that we can by offering pasture board only.
Pasture Board cost
$400 per month
Click HERE for more info on boarding.
Stall rental for non-boarders or overnight travelers
Call for pricing and options
Why Lease?
Leasing a horse is an excellent way to “get your feet wet” before making the leap into horse ownership. Let us help you take your first safe step towards horse ownership.
Lease options are available for current students only
Full and Partial lease options.
Click HERE for more information on horse leasing options.
Every horse thinks and reacts to things differently, just like people. Truly understanding the way a horse thinks helps to get to the root of any challenge you or your horse may be facing.
At Darks Horse Horsemanship, we craft individual horse development plans based on the needs of your horse and the goals you have in mind for you and your partner. Our hope is to help create clearer lines of communication between horse and human and to help break down any existing barriers your horse may have. When your horse begins to understand the communication and act like a partner we will start incorporating hands-on portions for you with your horse. Our goal is to hand over the leadership role to you so you can continue to move closer to your goals from home. Call us today to discuss a custom-designed development plan for you and your horse.